Commercial Solar

Commercial solar panels in Perth - The world is changing now, and so is the way business is done in Perth. You can count on the TDG SOLAR  for Commercial solar panels in Perth to help you choose the best solar solution for your business, whether you want to invest in sustainable energy or lower your electricity expenses.

Top Solar Panel Maintenance Tips

Making internal adjustments is, of course, one of the first things that people think about when it comes to saving money and making their business work more smoothly. Consider going green by using solar panels to meet your company's electrical needs while also saving money. Solar power is an appealing investment choice and a cost-effective method for businesses in Perth and Western Australia to save money.

Energy expenditures have risen to become one of the most significant company expenses. Energy independence is in the future for all businesses, whether they are factories, shops, or warehouses. It also aids in the reduction of carbon footprints, which will aid in the transmission of a sustainable environment to future generations. We only use items that have been approved by the Clean Energy Council (CEC), as well as professional installation crews.

What do we mean By the commercial Solar panel?

Commercial solar panels means the installation of solar panels for businesses, industries, factories, and many more. These solar panels generate electricity to help in the functioning of the industries and generate electricity for day-to-day work demands.

 Install solar panels on the top of the commercial building which will help produce electricity for the buildings.

Another way is to install solar panels on the large field, which can help the different industries and factories run their work.

They are also installed on the car parking tops which provide sheds for the cars and also help in the generation of electricity.

It is much more beneficial to install commercial solar panels. They are financially good options that help in cost saving and are very sustainable. Also, the government offers many different rebates and schemes to promote the use of solar energy. it is always a good option to choose solar energy over other forms of energy.

Installing commercial solar has many benefits because it will provide you with cost savings, bill reduction, help in fighting against global warming, and more. 

How do solar panels generate electricity?

When sunlight falls on the surface of the solar panel, the falling light transfers the energy to the electrons present on the surface of the panel. This energy transfer charges up the electrons and forces them to move. this energy creates the potential difference and hence the electricity is produced.  Electricity produced is directly correct and this is not feasible to use in households and other areas. This is converted into the alternating current with the help of the inverter. This is how the electricity is produced using the solar panels.

The key benefits of choosing solar for your business:


It is foolish to undertake initiatives and efforts that will not save you money. Many businesses realize they might have saved 15 to 25% on after-tax expenses, which can amount to thousands of dollars each year. The system has a faster return on investment than the residential system. As a result, going solar is a no-brainer.

According to a recent survey, the average monthly electricity expenditure for commercial property owners is over $3,000. When they began to use solar power for business purposes, this number plummeted to around a sixth. You may put the money you save each month back into the business to help it grow and flourish!

Stability of the Economy

The costs associated with energy use are increasing almost every year. This aspect alone indicates that it will wreak havoc on individuals on a tight budget. You no longer have to be at the mercy of people in the energy industry because the sun is free and solar panels use. The amazing thing about getting solar now is that the price has dropped dramatically since its debut.

There is a widespread belief that solar energy is prohibitively expensive. In the last few years, the cost of commercial solar has plummeted. If you haven't spoken with anybody recently, it's time to start reducing your energy costs, which are eating into your profits.

Carbon Footprint Reduction

Customers are beginning to demand that firms become more ecologically conscious. The good news is that commercial solar panels can assist you in meeting this and other requirements. Even a tiny system can considerably reduce CO2 emissions while also allowing you to represent your business as environmentally friendly.

Improvements in Energy Production

A solar panel system will only require minor maintenance. You'll need to clean it once a year to guarantee that all of your panels are operating at top efficiency and providing the most energy possible. If properly maintained, quality commercial solar power systems can last up to 40 years.

In a Commercial solar panel in Perth, there are three things to get right

Commercial solar panels in Perth have more stringent purchasing procedures, so make sure you have a solid strategy in place to ensure a successful solar investment.

Independent financial model to verify the feasibility and return on investment

While the environmental benefits of solar projects are obvious, most commercial solar projects are evaluated based on their financial viability. These projects' financial models should be created by competent photovoltaic engineers who aren't trying to sell you a certain solution. TDG Solar is a free service that allows any company to acquire a tailored Solar business case that is independent of products, branding, or financing arrangements.

Request quotations from several trained and reliable solar installers

Engaging many high-quality solar installers with suitable experience is the best approach to ensure you obtain a competitive and inventive solution for your project.

We frequently hear about projects that have gone wrong because installers were chosen based on the wrong criteria and there was insufficient due research done on the winning contractor. Since 2008, TDG Solar has built a pre-vetted network throughout Australia, which includes all major, respected commercial installers — contact us to run a tender for your project.

Recognize the federal rebates

Commercial solar pricing in Australia is at an all-time low. thanks in part to federal government solar subsidies under Australia's Renewable Energy Target (RET). The RET provides an upfront incentive in the form of Small-scale Technology Certificates for solar installations up to 100kW of solar PV (STCs). The RET offers a long-term incentive in the form of Large-scale Technology Certificates for systems larger than 100kW (until 2030). (LGCs).

Cost of commercial solar panels in Perth

The size of your property and your energy consumption will determine which solar panel system is best for you.

Solar panels cost $4,633 on average to install. The true price range is $2,909 to $5,810, which includes 1.5kWh to 6kWh solar panel systems. The quality of the system components you use, such as the manufacturers of solar panels and inverters. Plays a big role in the cost as well as rebates available in your area.

In the last five years, we've seen a 40% drop in the cost of a fully installed commercial solar PV system. Thanks to major advances in solar panel efficiency and a greater manufacturing scale.

What is the energy output of Commercial Solar Panels in Perth?

Based on 30 years of historical sunlight irradiance data from the Bureau of Meteorology, Commercial solar panels in Perth will create around 5.3 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per kilowatt of capacity each day on average throughout the year.

A 10kW solar system will create approximately 53kWh of electricity per day on average. Whereas a 100kW solar system will generate approximately 530kWh per day. The amount of energy produced depends on the position and orientation. The tilt angle of the system, as well as the components used.

Contact Details


Address – 1/48 Vinnicombe Drive, Canning Vale WA 6155

Phone number – 1300TDGSOL (1300 834 765)